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Through sponsoring an on-campus experiential learning project, companies and organizations receive the equivalent work output of a full-time team of college interns working and collaborating on a semester-long project. In turn, students receive academic credit while gaining valuable real-life work experience in their chosen field.

Project Proposal

With our student experiential learning teams we can help solve a current business problem facing your company or organization now.
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OCI Company Introduction


  • On-Campus Project-Based Experiential Learning is a 3 credit course providing students the opportunity to work on teams of three to five students to complete a sponsor-directed project as unpaid interns during the fall or winter semester. Teams are assigned to projects based on skills and interests. Individual students on the team will work seven to nine hours per week on the project.
  • Please fill out the online form to submit your proposed project.
  • Project proposals should include a description of the company, a description of the project, and clear deliverables. Projects should be robust enough to enable at least forty hours of work per week over a fifteen-week semester. Projects should provide various learning opportunities for the students as well as value to the company and may be modified during the semester.
  • Sponsor responsibilities include:

    • Providing clear purpose and direction to the student team
    • Availability to answer questions and give direction throughout the semester
    • Provide regular feedback to student teams, including guidance and correction on work completed; however, micromanagement is discouraged
    • Complete two feedback surveys that will be emailed during the semester
  • The on-campus project-based experiential learning program director assigns students to specific projects by evaluating skills and experience. Efforts are made to create teams with diversity in age, culture, background, and field of study.

    Students are expected to view an on-campus project-based experiential learning as a real job with real problems to solve. Students are required to be professional and use critical thinking and autonomy to complete assigned projects.
  • BYU–Hawaii library databases, computers, software, and any resources your organization provides are available for student use.

Example Projects

Read examples of past project descriptions of on-campus internship teams. See a variety of projects students have completed.