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Dress For Success

How to Dress for Success

You always want to dress well to make the best first impression for your interview. It is important to take care of your appearance before the job interview. A candidate in a suit and tie, or dress and heels may impress the hiring manager much better than a candidate dressed in jeans and sneakers. BUT, it depends on the organization and situation. Situational awareness is key in nailing the right look for your interview. Research the appropriate dress code for the organization before you go into your interview. You may also want to choose clothing that will make you feel confident and comfortable so that you perform at your best.

Here are some tips for success:

  1. Research the company’s dress code
  2. Choose comfortable and confident clothing
  3. Use your best judgment and don’t overthink it
  4. Avoid revealing clothing
  5. Choose clothing that suits the climate, season, and culture
  6. Check for stains, snags, pet hairs, and holes
  7. Ensure clothing is pressed and wrinkle-free

Guidelines for Men

  • Suits in solid colors black, grey, or navy
  • Long-sleeved shirt (white or match with the suit)
  • Belt
  • Tie
  • Socks
  • Neat hairstyle
  • Trimmed nails
  • File or briefcase

Guidelines for Women

  • Skirt below or just above the knee
  • Coordinated blouse
  • Shoes
  • Limited jewelry
  • Not large earrings/ bracelets
  • Professional hairstyles
  • Light makeup / limited amount of perfume
  • Neatly manicured nails
  • File/ briefcase